To facilitate communication within their companies, companies use business telephone switchboards. These systems are available in a variety of configurations and play several roles within the company. Before you want to install one, you should actually know what it is and how it works.
Corporate telephone standards: what are they?
It is a system set up within a company to allow the management of incoming and outgoing calls. To benefit from the installation of a good telephone system within your company, see It is used for communication between company staff as well as between the company and its customers. It allows several telephones to be linked together to ensure that calls are received, processed and transferred.
This system has many advantages, for example it allows communication between company personnel. The call transfer functionality allows employees to put a customer in touch with a given agent in the company. This allows the company to respond effectively to the concerns of its customers. It is thus an ideal companion in increasing the performance of your company.
There are several types of business telephone systems. Fixed telephone systems, PBXs, keyed and keyless system units, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
How business telephone systems work
The operation of a business telephone system is based on the technology employed by it. Switch-based systems are sophisticated and allow for increased growth of a business. They are therefore used much more in large organisations. They operate on the basis of receiving calls and automatically routing them to a particular extension.
VoIP systems offer the same advantages as PBXs, except that this time the system is internet-based. In the key system, there is no automation. People receive the calls and transfer them if necessary. They can only handle a small call flow. They are therefore intended for small businesses.