An economic blueprint has been arranged by the PM to finalize lockdown easing by June. The prime minister has promised a gradual lockdown lifting which will bring economic activities back to life.
Plan to lift lockdown drafted by Minister Johnson
A new plan has been drafted to open the UK economy which could see all restrictions lifted finally on 21st June 2021. Moreover, stores, saloons, and recreational centers would be allowed to reopen on April 13 also from May 16 two neighbors may be allowed to visit one another while the six per table will still stay in place in bars and clubs.
These plans require four different COVID-19 tests on vaccines and also the ability of the latest vaccine to fight against new strains. The prime minister spoke to the MPs about the plan and said that the stages will be gradual but irreversible. With this news, there has been an increase in Holiday bookings with many people planning time off COVID-19 lockdown.
Minister hopeful holiday plans can continue
The minister was hopeful that the summer and spring seasons bring hope for everyone. He says that this plan has been made to cover all setbacks and with the advancement, in vaccine development, he is hopeful things will move very fast. The news comes as UK infection rates continue to reduce with over 71% of the adult population vaccinated.
The plan will keep off on March 8 with all schools opened and engaging in out-of-school exercises. This news has gotten many businesses in the UK planning for what to do when lockdown eases. Though many sectors are still counting their losses like the aviation and entertainment industry, many are hopeful that this lockdown easing will bring much hope.
However, a chief of an airline has insisted that opening the country without financial assistance to key sectors will be unfair as he said that most businesses are short of capital for their businesses to kick off.
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