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Before the advent of today's pregnancy tests, women had ancestral methods to detect the presence or not of a pregnancy. Rather easy to perform and less expensive, these methods rely on everyday objects to evaluate the level of HCG hormones. Let's discover some of these methods.
The bleach test
This is probably the most popular test available. You can find out the process on You will need a clear glass, half a glass of your first morning's urine and a small amount of bleach, about a capful.
Simply pour the bleach into the urine and wait 5 minutes. If after this time, a foam forms or the color of the contents of the glass changes from yellow to dark orange, then congratulations!!! Your family will grow.
The white vinegar test
Put white vinegar in a plastic cup and add a small amount of urine to the contents. If after 3 to 5 minutes the contents change color, then you are probably pregnant.
The toothpaste test
For this tip, simply place a small amount of toothpaste in a plastic cup. After adding your urine, wait 5 to 10 minutes. If the contents of the cup change color and become lighter or foamy, then you are definitely pregnant.
The salt test
Urinate in a glass and add a large pinch of fine salt. If two hours later the salt has melted, then you are probably pregnant.
The sugar test
This trick is also very popular and quite quick to perform. All you have to do is urinate into a glass as soon as you wake up. Then put the equivalent of a tablespoon of sugar in a second glass. Then pour a tablespoon of urine on the sugar. If after a few moments you notice that the sugar has clumped around your urine, then it is positive. However, if it is completely dissolved, the result is negative.
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